Why sould I care about privacy?

First of all, What is privacy?

Privacy is the state of being free from public scrutiny or from having your personal information shared without your permission. It is a fundamental human right that protects individuals from unreasonable intrusions into their personal lives and personal spaces. The right to privacy is recognized in international human rights law and is protected by a number of national laws and regulations.

In the context of the internet and technology, privacy refers to the protection of personal data and information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. This includes the use of secure networks, encryption, and other measures to protect personal information when it is transmitted or stored digitally. It also includes the use of privacy settings and controls to allow individuals to choose what information they want to share and with whom they want to share it.

Privacy is important because it allows individuals to have control over their personal information and how it is used. It also helps to protect against identity theft, financial fraud, and other forms of exploitation. As technology continues to advance and more of our personal information is shared online, it is increasingly important for individuals to be aware of their privacy rights and to take steps to protect their personal information.

Why should I care?

“I have nothing to hide. Why should I care about my privacy?”

Having nothing to hide is not true nor realistic.

Privacy should not be mistaken for secrecy. Even though I know what you do in the bathroom, you still close the door because you desire privacy, not secrecy. Similarly, you have a passcode or some form of security on your phone, and most people do not give me access to their phone to read their chats or view their photos. If you had nothing to hide, you wouldn’t care about this privacy. However, everyone does care about their privacy to some extent.

Privacy is a fundamental aspect of being human. Just like the right to interracial marriage, divorce, women’s labor rights, and freedom of speech, the right to privacy was not always protected. There are still some dictatorships that do not recognize this right. Our ancestors fought hard to secure the right to privacy, and failing to value this right shows a lack of historical awareness.

Article 12 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: “No one must be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation.

What should I do?

It may be unrealistic, costly, and draining to constantly try to shield all your information from everyone. However, there’s no need to worry! Security is a continuous effort and, by being proactive, you can develop a plan that suits your needs. Security is not just about the tools or software you utilize, but rather it starts with understanding the specific threats you may encounter and how you can reduce their impact.

This process of identifying threats and defining countermeasures is called threat modeling, and it forms the basis of every good security and privacy plan.

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